Teaching SafarI

Earn 35 free PD hours or 2 free Semester Hours from Dominican University

The summer 2025 application will open on February 1, 2025.

  • *Spaces are limited, please apply early.  Special consideration is given to teachers from CPS and Title I Schools. We encourage applicants to register with 1-3 other teachers from their school to support collaboration and professional learning communities. 


The Teaching Safari combines professional learning with onsite exploration of nature and animals at Brookfield Zoo Chicago. The program welcomes K-12 educators in all subject areas, and consists of four full-day, onsite sessions at the Zoo, and two 60-minute virtual sessions. In addition to attending and participating in these classes, participants engage in ongoing reflection on professional growth, and create and revise a lesson plan applying program content to practice. For more information, please read our flyer below!

Summer 2025 SCHEDULE

Summer 2025 Flyer

Application open!

Educator mailing List


Day 1: Great Bear Wilderness

Introduction: What is Conservation Leadership? Developing Conceptual Understanding Through Equity-Based, Student-Centered Teaching.

Observing Bears as Phenomena: A Gateway to Inquiry and Problem-Based Learning



Day 2: Great Bear Wilderness 

Brown Bear "Food for Thought": Sensemaking with Mathematical Data and Scientific Models 

A Habitat for Bears in the Human Heart:
Exploring Diverse Perspectives Through Art and Empathy


Day 3: Seven Seas & Sky Expedition

Clicks, Whistles & Soundwaves: Exploring Dolphin Adaptations through Strategies that Promote Sensemaking.

“Dolphin Tales” from Sarasota Dolphin
Research Program:
Understanding Dolphin Communities & Conservation Challenges through Student-Centered Investigations & Multidisciplinary Connections.


Day 4: seven seas & Sky Expedition  

Bird-Watching at the Zoo: Understanding 
Structure & Function Through Collaboration,
Observation & Engineering Challenges.

Exploring Bird Behavior and Learning
Behavior with Ethograms



The Teaching Safari program is presented by Brookfield Zoo Chicago to support educators in teaching Science and Conservation Leadership. Conservation Leadership encompasses not only an understanding of animals and ecosystems, but empathy, joy, and appreciation for the natural world shared in a spirit of equity and stewardship. We look forward to taking this safari with you!

Brookfield Zoo Chicago Teacher Network members will receive a 20% discount on Web+ Classes in the Advanced Inquiry Program (AIP) Master's Program. AIP is a master's degree program offered by Brookfield Zoo Chicago in partnership with Miami University, Ohio. The AIP Master's degree program focuses on education, sustainability, and local conservation actions. For more information, contact Agnes.Kovacs@brookfieldzoo.org.

*IEIN number, documentation of attendance at all sessions per Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) guidelines, and completion of reflections/lesson plans per rubric are required for professional development hours or semester hour credit. Certificate, zoo passes, and network benefits will be awarded upon completion of all program requirements. 


Graduate credit provided by: 

Have questions?
Please contact Patsy Steinmeyer at EdK12@brookfieldzoo.org