What is the cost of the Field Trip? / I need a price quote.
Admission for children and chaperones (including teachers) is FREE for reserved qualified Illinois Schools on weekdays only between Labor Day and Memorial Day from Head Start, public, and private Illinois groups serving pre-kindergarten through college for self-guided field trips.
Parking and attraction fees still apply. If you require a quote for parking or attractions, please contact Admissions@brookfieldzoo.org or call 708-688-8809.
Where should we park?
All buses for field trips MUST park in the NORTH PARKING LOT located off of 31st Street and Golfview Rd. The North Parking lot's GPS Address is: 8400 3st Street, Brookfield, IL. 60513.
Do buses dropping off and picking up need to pay for parking?
Yes. All buses that enter the parking lot will be charged parking, regardless if they are staying for the duration of your visit or just dropping off.
Where can we eat lunch?
Brookfield Zoo Chicago has several outdoor areas with picnic tables. The 2 largest areas of these tables are behind BZ Red Hots in the East Mall and south of the bison habitat on the west side of the zoo. Your group is also welcome to use any of the large grassy malls located cardinally around the Roosevelt Fountain.
Thanks to our food service partners, SSA, you can now check out our new Animeals program! Click here to learn more and for instructions on how to order.
How do I cancel a field trip or change field trip dates (as a qualified Illinois school)?
Cancelations: Please use the cancel link provided in your confirmation email. This can be done until 10 days before your self-guided field trip. If it is less than 10 days from your visit date, forward your confirmation email to FieldTrip@brookfieldzoo.org with your request to cancel. For any purchased tickets, contact Admissions@brookfieldzoo.org.
Date Changes:
1. Make a new reservation here.
2. Cancel your original trip using the method above.
Does the zoo offer storage?
Brookfield Zoo Chicago does not offer storage. Please make plans to carry your items/lunches with you or leave them on the bus.
Are Field Trip materials offered?
Yes! Brookfield Zoo Chicago offers free online 1-hour professional learning for teachers during which we share downloadable student activities, teacher guides, and lesson materials along with tips and strategies for making your field trip to BZC a fun, meaningful day of learning for your students. Engaging, inquiry-based classroom activities for pre-visit and post-visit learning are also included. Visit our Teacher Classes page to view our current field trip learning topics and session offerings targeted to educators who serve teachers in grades K-8.
Visit our How do you Zoo? page for pre-visit content to share with your class. Check out our Learning Resources page for downloadable activities and other online content to support your class's visit to Brookfield Zoo Chicago.
I have accessibility questions
The staff and volunteers of Brookfield Zoo Chicago welcome you and are happy to answer your questions. BZC makes a concerted effort to make its grounds, pathways, buildings, exhibits, and programs accessible to all visitors. The information contained in the zoo's Accessibility Guide will be helpful in answering your questions.
For Wheelchair or Electronic Convenience Vehicle (“ECV”) rentals, please see our Rentals page.
How can I make an ADA Request?
If you have a disability and would like to request an accommodation or auxiliary aid, please complete and submit this Request Form as far in advance as possible, preferably at least 14 calendar days prior to the date you will be visiting the zoo or begin participating in a program, class, or event. If insufficient notice is given, Brookfield Zoo Chicago is not able to guarantee that it will be able to provide the accommodation, as some accommodations require advance scheduling with outside providers, who may or may not be available.